A Slander By Anton Chekhov Pdf Software
Drivers Mge Ups. By Betty Nudler is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Serge Kapitonich Ahineev, the writing master, was marrying his daughter to the teacher of history and geography. The wedding festivities were going off most successfully. In the drawing room there was singing, playing, and dancing. Waiters hired from the club were flitting distractedly about the rooms, dressed in black swallowtails[1] and dirty white ties.

There was a continual hubbub[2] and din[3] of conversation. Sitting side by side on the sofa, the teacher of mathematics, the French teacher, and the junior assessor of taxes were talking hurriedly and interrupting one another as they described to the guests cases of persons being buried alive, and gave their opinions on spiritualism.[4] None of them believed in spiritualism, but all admitted that there were many things in this world which would always be beyond the mind of man. In the next room the literature master was explaining to the visitors the cases in which a sentry[5] has the right to fire on passers-by. The subjects, as you perceive, were alarming, but very agreeable. Persons whose social position precluded[6] them from entering were looking in at the windows from the yard. Just at midnight the master of the house went into the kitchen to see whether everything was ready for supper.
The kitchen from floor to ceiling was filled with fumes composed of goose, duck, and many other odors. On two tables the accessories, the drinks and light refreshments, were set out in artistic disorder. The cook, Marfa, a red-faced woman whose figure was like a barrel with a belt around it, was bustling about the tables.
A Slander By Anton Chekhov 1883 Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) was a Russian physician, playwright, and prolific author. Download PDF. By Anton Chekhov 1883. Font Size A A A A. A Slander by Anton Chekhov is in the public domain. All Definitions Footnotes. Literature All Books Collection By Anton Checkov. BOOK 22 A Slander. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov--Letters of anton chekhov.pdf File size.
“Show me the sturgeon,[7] Marfa,” said Ahineev, rubbing his hands and licking his lips. “What a perfume! I could eat up the whole kitchen. Come, show me the sturgeon.” Marfa went up to one of the benches and cautiously lifted a piece of greasy newspaper. Under the paper on an immense dish there reposed a huge sturgeon, masked in jelly and decorated with capers, olives, and carrots. Ahineev gazed at the sturgeon and gasped. His face beamed, he turned his eyes up.
He bent down and with his lips emitted the sound of an ungreased wheel. After standing a moment he snapped his fingers with delight and once more smacked his lips. The sound of a passionate kiss. Who is it you’re kissing out there, little Marfa?” came a voice from the next room, and in the doorway there appeared the cropped head of the assistant usher, Vankin.
Delighted to meet you! Sergei Kapitonich! You’re a fine grandfather, I must say!” “I’m not kissing,” said Ahineev in confusion. “Who told you so, you fool? I was only I smacked my lips in reference to as an indication of pleasure at the sight of the fish.” “Tell that to the marines!” The intrusive face vanished, wearing a broad grin.
Ahineev flushed. “Hang it!” he thought, “the beast will go now and talk scandal. He’ll disgrace me to all the town, the brute.” Ahineev went timidly into the drawing room and looked stealthily round for Vankin. Vankin was standing by the piano, and, bending down with a jaunty[8] air, was whispering something to the inspector’s sister-in-law, who was laughing. “Talking about me!” thought Ahineev. “About me, blast him! Windows Vista Home Premium Sp2 32 Bit Torrent here. And she believes it believes it!
No, I can’t let it pass I can’t. I must do something to prevent his being believed. I’ll speak to them all, and he’ll be shown up for a fool and a gossip.” Ahineev scratched his head, and still overcome with embarrassment, went up to the French teacher. “I’ve just been in the kitchen to see after the supper,” he said to the Frenchman. “I know you are fond of fish, and I’ve a sturgeon, my dear fellow, beyond everything! A yard and a half long!
And, by the way I was just forgetting. In the kitchen just now, with that sturgeon quite a little story! I went into the kitchen just now and wanted to look at the supper dishes.
E Studio 167 Printer Driver more. I looked at the sturgeon and I smacked my lips with relish[9] at the piquancy[10] of it. And at the very moment that fool Vankin came in and said: ’Ha, ha, ha!So you’re kissing here!’ Kissing Marfa, the cook! What a thing to imagine, silly fool! The woman is a perfect fright, like all the beasts put together, and he talks about kissing!
Queer[11] fish!” “Who’s a queer fish?” asked the mathematics teacher, coming up. “Why he, over there—Vankin! I went into the kitchen” And he told the story of Vankin. “He amused me, queer fish! I’d rather kiss a dog than Marfa, if you ask me,” added Ahineev. He looked round and saw behind him the junior assessor of taxes. “We were talking of Vankin,” he said.
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