Danish Emotional Speech Database

1 ABSTRACT A database of recordings of Danish Emotional Speech, DES, has been recorded and analysed. DES has been collected in order to evaluate how well the. 1 ABSTRACT A database of recordings of Danish Emotional Speech, DES, has been recorded and analysed. DES has been collected in order to evaluate how well the.
Emotional Speech Recognition. A total of 87 features has been calculated over 500 utterances from the Danish Emotional Speech database. The Danish Emotional Speech Database [4] is another audio database recorded from 4 actors (2 male, 2 female). The recorded data consist of 2 words, 9 sentences and 2 passages, resulting in 10 minutes of audio data. The recorded emotions are anger, happiness, sadness, surprise and neutral.

Abstract Abstract. Thirty-two emotional speech databases are reviewed. Each database consists of a corpus of human speech pronounced under different emotional conditions. A basic description of each database and its applications is provided. The conclusion of this study is that automated emotion recognition cannot achieve a correct classification that exceeds 50% for the four basic emotions, i.e., twice as much as random selection. Second, natural emotions cannot be easily classified as simulated ones (i.e., acting) can be.
Third, the most common emotions searched for in decreasing frequency of appearance are anger, sadness, happiness, fear, disgust, joy, surprise, and boredom. Versionsapp Keygen.
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