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Best Answer: to read online, download or buy?? To buy one of the best publishers is june manga. They have awesome yaoi!! (you should definitely read 'brother' bu yuzuha ougi!! Its sooo smexii!!) and theres also 'little butterfly', 'dear myself'. Marma Desam Ragasiyam Tamil Tv Serial Download. 'desire', 'our everlasting', 'free fall romance', 'our kingdom (this is ok.), etc. There are also yaoi novels!!

I really love these!! Like 'the man who doesnt take off his clothes', 'cold sleep' and 'dont worry mama'-- by narise konohara!! For downloading. Check out this list!! You have to have an account for this site!! (download 'Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku!'
By haruka minami, 'love mode' by yuki shimizu, 'sensitive pornograph', 'brotherxbrother', 'darling', 'color', 'junk! Open Source Chess Game there. boys', 'after i get drunk on you', etc. From manga traders ^^) you can also read some yaoi manga at you can read 'close the last door' by yugi yamada here and some others. Here is act 1 for close the last door: there are 5 acts. Just enlarge the screen to see the text. There is also an ova for the first act: part 1: part 2: there are just soo many!!
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