How To Run Opengl Programs In Turbo C
Best Answer: Turbo C for Windows I assume. Yes, that should be possible. It's not a question of the IDE but whether the compiler supports linking to Windows-DLLs. But you need not only glut32 but also opengl32 to build OpenGL programs. There's also the problem that the Windows OpenGL libraries only export GL 1.1 functions. If you want to use modern OpenGL features you need to use wglGetProcAddress to get the address of all OpenGL procedures that are not in the 1.1 core standard (interestingly wglGetProcAddress returns 0 for 1.1 core functions such as glClear).

How to run graphics in win7 using DOSBox. (To Run DOS Programs on Windows). Programming OpenGL in C/C++. 'GLUT is designed for constructing small to medium sized OpenGL programs. You need to run the batch file 'vcvarsall.bat' (in 'C.

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