Install Rpm On Vmware Esxi 5
Here is a method to install PowerPath/VE (v5.8) quickly on one or many ESXi 5.1 hosts connected to EMC storage system, using the Vmware command line interface (vCLI). I want to install ganglia monitoring tool on esxi. How to install ganglia on vmware esxi 5.5. I am total newbie to vmware esxi cli. I only know rpm and deb. Installing VMware Tools from VMware’s Repository 5. # rpm -Uvh vmware-tools-repo-RHEL6-9.0.5-1.el6.x86_64.rpm warning.
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Closed as off-topic by,,,, Apr 22 Install Nas On Iomega Storcenter Software. '14 at 16:34 This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave these specific reasons: • ' Questions must be relevant to system administration. Server Fault is dedicated to professional system and network administrators. End user and enthusiast questions are off-topic (contact your system administrator or hire a professional to help you out). Please see the for more information.'
– Chopper3, mdpc • 'Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Try including attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See for further guidance.' – HopelessN00b, MichelZ, Rex If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the, please. The ESXi CLI, despite looking a bit like RHEL, is actually nothing like RHEL.
I did some serious hacking recently to attempt to get it to run a Python app I wrote (purely out of experimentation reasons). It's so cut-down to be almost impossible to use for running anything other than VMs on. So what you really want to do is install Ubuntu, or Debian on a VM, then install Ganglia on that. If you want to use Ganglia to monitor ESXi performance, then you'll probably have to pull the data out of ESXi with SNMP, or something, then squirt it into Ganglia later.
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