Visual Studio 2012 Installshield Project Creation Failed
I have successfully installed Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop. Whenever I try to create new C++ project it says. Shugo Chara Episode Sub Indo. Codesys Plc Software.
I have been trying to create new project from Visual studio 2013 of InstallShield Limited Edition Project within Other Project Types in Installed option of New project. Jul 31, 2014 Visual Studio 2012. 'project creation failed'. Everything and i could not get it to work. So when i saw i could get visual studio 2012 i thought if i got it.
Projet creation failed. Whenever I try to create Visual Basic project message box says: Visual Studio does not have permissions to read the template information from the system registry. This is often caused by registry permissions problems. I already tried to Repair, force uninstall with wdexpress_full.exe /uninstall /force and install KB2781514 with no good.
What should I do? Just before installing VS2012 I have uninstalled VS2013. Could this problem be cause by previously installed VS2013? Update1 I am running Windows 7. Update2 I have removed VS2012 and installed VC2010. Same problem. After digging the Internet almost for 2 days I have finally found the solution (seems like it took only a half of an hour for that guy)).
Download Microsoft Office 2010 Edition Switcher Ver 0.1(retail To Vl) there. The above didnt work for me as I kept being denied in regedit even though i was admin. I found this on another site: psexec -i -d -s c: windows regedit.exe psexec is available from Microsoft here This gave me full registry access. I tried to give admin owner to specific keys like above but VS 2012 express was still throwing that registry permission error. So I finally just added Administrator to the permission list of the entire HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes directory in regedit. Then gave admins full control. I can now create a project without that infernal error!
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