Working The Plate The Art Of Food Presentation Pdf
Working the Plate has 78 ratings and 10 reviews. Shea said: I found this to be somewhat disappointing. Each section of the book has four or five examples.
The student integrates knowledge, skills, and practices re q u i red for careers in food produ ction and serv ices. The stude nt anal yze s c areer path s w ithin the food pro d u c t i o n and food services industries; demonstrates planning menu items based on standardized re c i p e s to meet customer needs; demonstrates commercial preparation for all menu categories to pro- duce a variety of food products; demonstrates implementation of food service management functions; and demonstrates the concept of internal and external customer service.
A restaurant experience should be about more than the smell and taste of the food; diners are also expecting a visual feast when they go out to eat. “ We eat with our eyes first, ” says David Wynne, instructor at The Art Institute of Seattle, about food presentation and food plating.
Teaching the next generation about food plating To teach his students the importance of food presentation and the skills necessary for food plating, Wynne has incorporated some slightly unorthodox methods. Wynne, a sculptor and painter before he moved his focus to cooking, has his students use Play-Doh to sculpt food for their Art Culinaire five-course practical exam. Spanish Course. “We’ve taken a preschool concept and taken it to the college level.” Wynne says. Wynne found that students were unable to visualize the finished product, and with hot food in front of them, they were having a hard time making good decisions, so he took a lot of the variable out of play – including the color of the Play-Doh. “Color actually got in the way,” Wynne says. These white, faux-food masterpieces – known collectively as the White Album – help students construct a visual strategy that they can then use when they actually have to cook the food they’ve built out of Play-Doh for their final exam. “When they get to cooking the food, they have a plan in mind,” Wynne says.
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