Java Servlet Progressive Download
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From the start, servlets and JSPs have been a training problem because web programming with them requires so many different skills and so much conceptual background. But the first edition of this book solved that training problem: It presented the critical skills in the right order with plenty of examples, allowing developers to master all the complexities in a manageable way. Now, this improved and updated 3rd Edition makes it even easier and faster for you to learn. And to prove to yourself that you will master all the servlet and JSP skills that you need to develop e-commerce applications, you can download the book’s e-commerce website that ties all the skills together. Section 1: Get started right In this section, you’ll learn: • the concepts and terms that you need for Java web programming • how to use the MVC pattern to get the most from JSPs and servlets • how to use the NetBeans IDE for developing servlet and JSP applications more efficiently • how to use the Tomcat web server that lets you use servlets and JSPs for web applications By the time you’re through with this section, you’ll be ready to use the IDE to code and run servlets and JSPs on your own computer.
Section 2: The essential servlet and JSP skills In this section, you’ll get a crash course in HTML and CSS, which are essential to the use of JSPs. Then, you’ll learn the skills for creating servlets and JSPs that you’ll use in almost every application.
These chapters move from the simple to the complex as you learn how to work with servlets, JSPs, sessions, cookies, JavaBeans, Expression Language (EL), the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and custom JSP tags. Section 3: The essential database skills Here, you’ll learn how to use both JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) and JPA (Java Persistence API) to work with a database. Although this section focuses on the use of MySQL databases, JDBC and JPA can be used for working with any database management system, including Oracle and SQL Server. Section 4: Advanced servlet and JSP skills In this section, you’ll learn the advanced servlet and JSP skills that you will need for certain types of web applications. This includes the use of JavaMail, SSL, authentication, encryption, HTTP, listeners, and filters. Then, the last chapter in this section shows you how to use JavaServer Faces, which is an alternative to using JSPs. Since the chapters in this section have been designed to work independently of each other, you can read them in any order you want.
This makes it easy for you to learn new skills whenever you need them. Section 5: The Music Store website This section presents an e-commerce website that puts the skills in the first four sections into context. This downloadable application illustrates best practices and provides code that you can use in your own applications.
Madden 08 Pc Game Controls Keyboard Shortcuts. Once you understand how this website works, you will have all the skills you need for creating your own web applications. Why you’ll learn faster and better with this book.
Like all our books, this one has features that you won’t find in competing books. Here, though, are a few of the features that are unique to this book: • Chapter 2 shows how to use the MVC pattern (or Model 2 architecture) to get the most from JSPs and servlets.
From that point on, you’ll use servlets when they’re appropriate and JSPs when they’re appropriate. As a result, you won’t waste your time learning how to use servlets for tasks that should be handled by JSPs, or vice versa. • Chapter 3 shows how to use the NetBeans IDE with a Tomcat server to develop web applications on your own computer.
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